Carbs: Friend Not Foe

Carbs: Friend Not Foe

It seems everyone these days is worried about carbs. People worry that eating them will lead to weight gain, or that they are simply unhealthy and must be avoided. This article and accompanying video discuss whether this concern is justified. […]

Cancer and Dairy: Experts Are Concerned. Are You? | Meat Your Future

Dairy and Cancer: Experts Are Concerned. Are You?

After analyzing the risk for female cancers across 5 continents and 40 countries, researchers concluded that they are most concerned about the role of dairy. That’s right. Dairy is strongly associated with increased ovarian, uterine and breast cancers. […]

Vegan Food Is Delicious! | Meat Your Future

Vegan Food Is Delicious!

From the most healthy foods to the most decadent desserts, eating a diet without animal products does not mean deprivation. […]

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Vegan Diets | Meat Your Future

Vegan Diets: Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It is not controversial within mainstream medicine and nutrition that humans have absolutely no biological need to consume any animal foods for our health. This consensus is widely reflected, not only by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, but among venerable institutions around the globe. […]


¿Es saludable comer pescado?

[Spanish Video] Contrario a la tradición que impera en nuestra cultura, hay razones de peso para abstenerse de consumir pescado. La Dra. Sofia Pineda Ochoa discute esto y más asuntos relacionados al pescado. […]