Her Eyes Have Been Stabbed – How Did The Animals You Eat Suffer?

Her Eyes Have Been Stabbed - How Did The Animals You Eat Suffer? | Meat Your Future

Animals used for food suffer in unimaginable ways.

This image was posted by an animal rights group. We don’t know the particular circumstances behind it, but we don’t need to. It is but one example that underscores the violence involved in commoditizing and exploiting living, feeling individuals.

All the animals we exploit for food (and for clothing and other purposes) suffer horribly, with lives full of confusion and fear, followed by an early and violent death.

This violence will only end when people stop consuming animal products. And while you may tell yourself, “oh well the cows and lambs and chickens and pigs and fish I eat did not suffer”, you are wrong. Although they may not have had their eyes stabbed out like this poor cow, we can assure you, they all suffer and they all were violently killed against their will. All of them.

Humane animal products simply do not exist (whether meat, dairy, eggs, leather, wool, etc.). Let’s use our common sense and recognize this, embrace our better instincts of nonviolence and justice, and live vegan.

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