Tigers are majestic animals who are both admired and feared, and the habitats on which they rely are the forests. But those forests are being cleared. Tiger populations have declined steeply in the last century, as they’ve lost 93% of their historical range. Actually, three of the nine tiger subspecies have become completely extinct over just the last 80 years. Will tigers soon become nothing more than a memory or a handful of confined survivors in a zoo? While poaching is a serious contributing problem, *habitat loss* appears to be a major driving force in their decline. Did you know, per the UN, that the number one cause of deforestation in the world is *animal agriculture*? And deforestation is causing a severe loss of biodiversity, with scientists even classifying our times as the Sixth Mass Extinction. Our rapidly increasing human population, coupled with our current consumption patterns — namely our collective dietary habits of consuming animal foods — is wrecking havoc on the environment. Please consider the consequences of your consumption choices and go vegan, and (where appropriate) also consider the benefits of family planning and smaller families, and otherwise do what you can to help raise awareness of the importance of these issues. |