Can the Words “Humane” and “Slaughter” Ever Go Together?

Can the Words "Humane" and "Slaughter" Ever Go Together? | Meat Your Future

Most people claim to love animals. However, most people also eat and wear animals.

We tell ourselves animals were meant to be used, and they suffer very little because our standards and modern technology ensured they only had “one bad day” and were treated (and slaughtered) “humanely”.

Labels like “high welfare,” “organic,” “farm raised,” “cage free,” “grass fed” and “humane” perpetuate the myth that so many people want to believe and dissuade serious recognition of the horrid reality we’ve created for animals.

But regardless of what we want to believe, the obvious truth is that there is simply no such thing as “humane” animal products. They do not (and literally cannot) exist.

Each animal is a complex individual who does not want to die – be they horse, chicken, fish, pig, cow, or any other species.

They struggle with desperate futility to protect their one and only precious life. There is simply no way around the immense cruelty and fear that is involved in exploiting animals.

Please understand that by consuming meat, dairy, eggs or other animal products, we are directly paying to impose severe harm and death on sentient animals.

Eating animal foods is completely unnecessary for our health, and we are in fact better off by not consuming any animal foods. So, if you care about animals at all, then please realize this and stop supporting it by going vegan.

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