Single Biggest Way to Reduce Your Impact on the Planet: Go Vegan

Single Biggest Way to Reduce Your Impact on the Planet: A Vegan Diet | Meat Your Future

Scientists from Oxford University made headlines this summer with a landmark study* on the environmental impact of agriculture published in the journal Science. It found that eliminating meat and dairy could reduce an individual’s carbon footprint from food by up to 73%.

Regarding land use, it said that, without meat and dairy, we could feed the entire world while, at the same time, reducing global farmlands by a shocking 75% — an area equivalent to the size of the US, China, Australia and the EU combined.

Sadly, however, we’re moving in the exact opposite direction of what experts are urgently calling for. We are continuing to level more and more forests to turn them into farmlands, with animal agriculture being the number one driver of deforestation (per the UN).

Transitioning our carbon-based economy to renewable energy is crucial – but it will require substantial effort, money and time. But eating vegan is something we can all do – starting with our very next meal – and is also crucially needed if we are to have any hope of adequately (and timely) addressing the dire environmental problems we now face.

Please do your part for the planet (and, of course, for the animals and your own health too) by going vegan.

*Referenced study: J. Poore and T. Nemecek. Reducing Food’s Environmental Impacts Through Producers and Consumers. Journal Science. 2018 Jun.; 360 (6392) 987-992, available here

*Article discussing the study here.

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