Must He Be Skinned for Your Clothes? | Meat Your Future

Must He Be Skinned For Your Clothes?

Like billions of animals, this rabbit was bred for the knife – to be skinned for clothing. But we don’t need his skin. Nor do we need the skin, fur, feathers or anything else from any animal to clothe ourselves. […]

Is Dairy Worth This? | Meat Your Future

Is Dairy Worth This?

Calves are forced to wear these spiked muzzle so their mothers reject them, to prevent them from drinking their mother’s milk. […]


Do Our Food Choices Contribute to World Hunger?

Today, nearly a billion people suffer from malnutrition due to lack of food. One overriding issue is that we are using massive amounts croplands to produce feed for “livestock” animals instead of food for humans. […]

Care About World Hunger? Then Go Vegan | Meat Your Future

Care About World Hunger? Then Don’t Eat Animals.

There are many issues that contribute to world hunger, including geopolitical instability and distribution problems. But a significant overriding issue is that producing animal foods wastes a tremendous amount of calories and agricultural resources. […]

Like Saving Animals? Then Go Vegan | Meat Your Future

Like Saving Animals?

This beautiful picture shows a child saving a puppy from a flooded area. You too can save animals, every single day, simply by going vegan. […]