Can You Climb Trees Like These Goats? | Meat Your Future

Can You Climb Trees Like These Goats?

It’s fascinating to think about the skills other animals have that we humans don’t. Most people’s belief in human superiority is an unquestioned given, never critically examined. But are we really so “superior”? […]

What Animals Are You Wearing? | Meat Your Future

What Animals Are You Wearing?

Angora rabbits are docile and gentle animals who spend their entire lives in small filthy cages, until they have enough fur to be ripped from their bodies. […]


¿Es saludable comer pescado?

[Spanish Video] Contrario a la tradición que impera en nuestra cultura, hay razones de peso para abstenerse de consumir pescado. La Dra. Sofia Pineda Ochoa discute esto y más asuntos relacionados al pescado. […]

Horse Racing - Animals Are Not Ours to Use | Meat Your Future

Horse Racing – Animals Are Not Ours to Use

Horse racing sounds harmless enough to many, but, of course, using animals for entertainment (or for any other purpose) is never really “harmless”. Injuries are abound, often fatal to the animals, in both the races and in training. […]

Coretta Scott King - Civil Rights Leader and Vegan | Meat Your Future

Coretta Scott King – Civil Rights Leader and Vegan

The late widow of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King was an indispensable and tireless leader in the Civil Rights Movement. She also became vegan at the urging of her son, Dexter Scott King, believing it was the logical extension of Dr. King’s philosophy of nonviolence and justice. […]