Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Vegan Diets | Meat Your Future

Vegan Diets: Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It is not controversial within mainstream medicine and nutrition that humans have absolutely no biological need to consume any animal foods for our health. This consensus is widely reflected, not only by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, but among venerable institutions around the globe. […]

Is It Okay To Torture Animals? | Meat Your Future

Is It Okay To Torture Animals?

Most people would agree this is a rhetorical question. Yet we breed millions of animals to be tortured, burned and mutilated for cruel animal experiments. […]


Who Are You Eating?

What we choose to eat has profound implications on others. Eating animal foods requires the continuous force-breeding of billions of sentient animals into existence, born for the knife. […]

Can You Climb Trees Like These Goats? | Meat Your Future

Can You Climb Trees Like These Goats?

It’s fascinating to think about the skills other animals have that we humans don’t. Most people’s belief in human superiority is an unquestioned given, never critically examined. But are we really so “superior”? […]

What Animals Are You Wearing? | Meat Your Future

What Animals Are You Wearing?

Angora rabbits are docile and gentle animals who spend their entire lives in small filthy cages, until they have enough fur to be ripped from their bodies. […]