• Two Legged Piget | Meat Your Future

    The Two Legged Piglet

    A pig born with only two front legs became well known in China, as she learned to balance and walk despite her condition. Her strong will and determination to live with only two front legs seems to really inspire our compassion and sympathy. […]

  • Vince the Rhino - Killed at Zoo | Meat Your Future

    Vince the Rhino: Killed at a Zoo

    Vince, a young four year old white rhinoceros, was brutally poached and killed at a zoo outside Paris earlier this year. If this could happen in the relative security of a zoo, what hope is there for the remaining free-living animals in the wild? […]

  • Vegan Basics | Meat Your Future

    Vegan Basics

    This short 30-minute video provides a general overview of what veganism is, why it’s an important topic for public discourse, as well as the key health, ethical, environmental and human rights issues involved. […]

  • Dr. Michele McMacken | Meat Your Future

    Interview with Michelle McMacken, MD

    Michelle McMacken, MD is an honors graduate of Yale University and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, board-certified internal medicine physician, assistant professor of medicine at NYU School of Medicine, and the director of the Bellevue Hospital Weight Management Clinic in New York City. In this interview, she discusses the the science and importance of plant-based diets. […]

  • Dr. Robert J. Ostfeld | Meat Your Future

    Interview with Robert J. Ostfeld, MD, MSc

    Dr. Ostfeld is a Yale and Harvard trained cardiologist and the founder and director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, where he recommends plant-based vegan diets. He is also an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. […]

  • Inky The Octopus | Meat Your Future

    Inky’s Great Escape, Eating Octopuses Alive, and More

    Inky the octopus made headlines for boldly escaping from an aquarium. But we use these highly intelligent and sentient animals as mere objects for consumption, sometimes even eating them alive. This video explores these issues related to octopuses as well as our use of nonhuman animals more broadly. […]

  • Vitamin B12 | Meat Your Future

    Vitamin B12 – Questions Answered

    Dr. Pineda Ochoa discusses the current information about vitamin B12 – what it is, what are the causes and prevalence of deficiencies, and what are the best sources. […]

  • Livestock and The Sixth Mass Extinction | Meat Your Future

    Livestock and the Sixth Mass Extinction

    Is the sixth mass extinction already under way? Scientists from Stanford, Berkeley, Princeton and UNAM University say it is. Dr. Sofia Pineda Ochoa explores this alarming conclusion, the destructive role that livestock plays in the looming crisis, and what scientists say we must do now to avoid an ecosystem collapse. […]

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  • Should You Be Eating Fish? | Meat Your Future

    Many people equate eating fish with doing something good for their health. But is it really? Dr. Sofia Pineda Ochoa discusses this largely misunderstood topic. […]

Carbs: Friend Not Foe

Carbs: Friend Not Foe

It seems everyone these days is worried about carbs. People worry that eating them will lead to weight gain, or that they are simply unhealthy and must be avoided. This article and accompanying video discuss whether this concern is justified. […]

Should You Be Eating Fish? | Meat Your Future

Should You Be Eating Fish?

Many people equate eating fish with doing something good for their health. But is it really? Dr. Sofia Pineda Ochoa discusses this largely misunderstood topic. […]